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Gregory Morrow[_34_] Gregory Morrow[_34_] is offline
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Posts: 207
Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Cindy Fuller wrote:

> As much Asian food as we cook, those shallots were a real bargain and
> none went to waste. I think I got a whole sack (> 1 lb) for $1. Onions
> are nearly $1 a pound here, and often we only need a small amount for a
> recipe. Three quarters of a big onion can sit unused in the fridge for
> a week. Greens are also very inexpensive at Asian groceries.

Veg and lotsa other stuff is almost laughably cheap at the Asian stores I
frequent (north side of Chicago), a pound tray of peeled garlic is a buck,
same for a pound tray of okra, shallots I've noticed are cheap, and I don't
think I've paid over 20 cents for a HUGE knob of ginger...those nice red
finger peppers that are $8.99/lb at the round - eyes stupormarket are
usually 99 cents/lb at the Asian stores.

I can buy three or four big bags of stuff for well under $20.00...the same
goes for Mexican places, especially produce.

A lot of the Asian places here I notice also carry food service sizes of
things, howzabout a HUGE two gallon or whatever can of bamboo shoots for six
bucks? I love sriracha and you can buy a GIANT jar of it for $9.00, it's
ridiculously cheap compared to the $3.99 the chain supermarkets want for a
little jar of it. A friend and I buy the big jar of sriracha and split it,
lasts for several months...

I could go on, but these places are a wonderful boon for the budget...


> If I went on the $40 a week challenge, the FIRST thing to go from my
> grocery list would be red meat. I can get more mileage for my money
> from legumes, grains, and a little chicken, tofu and dairy products.
> Cindy
> --
> C.J. Fuller
> Delete the obvious to email me