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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

Sheldon wrote:
> Goomba38 wrote:
>> There used to be a joke about "Refigerator Nurses" who only worked when
>> they needed to buy a new refrigerator.

> I always thought that meant how yoose all eat free hospital food from
> the fridge at the nurse's station, and don't dare tell me you never,
> I've seen with my own peepers. LOL

LOL... well... it is RARE to have patient food trays in my unit, but
when they come and the patient is unable to eat it, some staff (from
housekeepers to nurses and doctors) will scarf up that piece of cake or
a roll or perhaps the iced tea.Things that are already sealed up when
they arrive. I rarely have ever seen anyone eat the entree. Those are
usually ground up mystery meat and pretty disgusting looking/smelling.