Thread: cookbooks
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Pete C. Pete C. is offline
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Default cookbooks

blake murphy wrote:
> since i know some of you are cookbook-deprived, owning only several
> hundred or so, i thought this article from *slate* listing some
> suggestions by food writers and others might be of interest:
> <>
> one of the books mentioned isn't a cookbook, really, but 'stand facing
> the stove' the story of 'the joy of cooking' and irma rombauer. i
> love irma, and when i found out she drank like a fish, well, that
> sealed the deal. i ordered it from amazon, used and dirt cheap. two
> books by fuschia dunlop on szechuan and hunan cooking got the nod as
> well, and bruce cost's 'asian ingredients.'
> your pal,
> blake

I have to add my recommendation for another not-quite-cookbook, "Baking
and Pastry, Mastering the Art and Craft" by the CIA. It's really a
textbook, but has something like 800 recipes, all logically arranged
along with the detailed text explaining the techniques involved. It also
has sections on food safety and management. It's around $40 on Amazon
and is certainly worth the price for what is effectively a DIY CIA