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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Eating and shopping well on a strict budget

"Gregory Morrow" wrote

> Veg and lotsa other stuff is almost laughably cheap at the Asian stores I

> I can buy three or four big bags of stuff for well under $20.00...the same
> goes for Mexican places, especially produce.

> I could go on, but these places are a wonderful boon for the budget...

I agree. I might make a fast drive out to my local one. They are one of
the only 2 places nearby with decent seafood and that it is also a very good
price, is a major bonus.

I'm sure 2 bags of 'stuff' will follow me home after leaping in my cart.
I'm also sure it will be 20$ or less unless I see something really special
and stock up. Actually, come to think of it, make that closer to 30$ as I
need some of the better rices. Asian trained gal here <g>. I can't IMAGINE
minute rice or 'boil-in-bag'
!$@#$%!#@% in imy home.