Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 19:22:12 -0800, koko wrote:
>>On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:06:29 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
>>>Looks delicious, Koko! The only thing I do differently is cook the kraut
>>>with the ribs for the duration. I neither drain nor rinse the kraut.
>>>That would sure taste good right now!!!
>>I usually do that. Don't know why I didn't this time.
>>I must say it does make a difference, it's good but not as good as it
>>has been. I don't rinse or drain the kraut either.
> Oh darn. That looks so very, very good.
> I still have some country style ribs in my freezer, but no kraut. I
> just finished up the last of the little packages of ribs and kraut I
> had squirreled away in the freezer..and now I am hungry for more.
My buddy, who's part Polish, has got me using kielbasa with kraut, but I
was raised with pork chops being the "kraut meat". When I read Koko's
post and looked at those photos, what came into my head like a freight
train? Country style ribs! Damn, does that sound good. And even better
now that you've also mentioned it.
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