Sqwertz wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:50:48 -0800, koko wrote:
>> When the ribs were just about done I added the sauerkraut.
>> http://i1.tinypic.com/7331ibp.jpg
> Maybe you prefer them that way, but if you're new to this, the
> ribs get cooked in the kraut the whole time. I also put the
> potatoes in at the beginning as well.
> Some people may prefer it differently, but they're wrong! ;-)
I prefer them all cooked together.
I think some do the meat/kraut/potatoes individually because they are
emulating restaurants who do it that way to save work.
I have been disappointed a number of times when I see "pork &
sauerkraut" on a menu and it arrives with meat and a scoop of heated
kraut on the side.
>> mmmm going to be good over mashed potatoes.
>> http://i14.tinypic.com/835izb5.jpg
> Now I'm hungry for [country-style] ribs and kraut. Great for a
> cold day.
> -sw