Ping: Barb apple butter
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Fri 07 Dec 2007 01:48:15p, BlackHawk 96 meant to say...
>> That sounds like a great recipe, Barb, except for the sugar, which
>> may give you diabetes (which I would replace with splenda, or the
>> new equivalent walmart product "Altern" which is 1/2 the price of
>> Splenda {I guess Tate & Lyle is going to be eating Walmart's shorts
>> on this one}, and the salt, which may give you HBP (which I would
>> replace with potassium chloride salt).
>> One thing I would personally try would be to chop the skins up in a
>> blender, as they have tremendous nutritive value (a lot of the
>> good stuff in fruit is in the skin). Sincerely, BlackHawk
> But it's a condiment, for cripes sake, not something you're going to
> eat a bottle of at one sitting. Sugar in moderation (like most
> things) is not a dangerous food.
I came across the best example of this type of fallacy some <cough>-ty
odd years ago; I b'lieve it was a column by Isacc Asimov.
Take some tomato juice. Put a goldfish in it. See what happens to the
goldfish. See? It proves tomato juice is poisonous.