How do you use Grape Nuts?
Nancy Young wrote:
> Oh, I love Grape Nuts, I just don't eat cereal any more because I
> should stay away from milk. I think people make muffins with it,
> and I'd bet they have recipes on their website (they're Post, right?)
> nancy
This may scare you, Nancy, but the SBF, and many other Finns, pour
blueberry soup over their cereals!!(For some reasons, Finns are quite
likely to be lactose intolerant). Not sweetened kind but tasty. As far
as I know, you can buy it at IKEA. It is a thickened juice, made from
boiling them down with some water.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener