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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default Ping: Barb apple butter

George Shirley wrote:
> Ophelia wrote:
>> George Shirley wrote:
>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>> Ophelia wrote:
>>>>>> George Shirley wrote:
>>>>>>> Many people lead normal lives without meds who have diabetes.
>>>>>>> Sounds like you're doing the right thing Wayne. My list A1c was
>>>>>>> 4, fairly good for an old fat guy.
>>>>>> You are an old fat guy? Then who was that handsome dude you
>>>>>> passed off as your photo before????
>>>>> Jeez Ophelia, in 2004 I weighed 272 lbs. I was down to 170 when I
>>>>> damned near died due to bacterial infection. Since the end of
>>>>> March 2007 I have gained 40 lbs back. The handsome dude was still
>>>>> me, or at least that's what Miz Anne tells me.
>>>> She is right of course
>>>> I like to think I'm
>>>>> distinguished looking at 68 with a full head of gray hair. You
>>>>> should have seen me when I was 30 and jumped out of airplanes with
>>>>> 250 lbs of equipment strapped to me. Weighed about 160 back then
>>>>> and it was mostly muscle. I'm really lucky in that my wife still
>>>>> loves me, gray hair, pot belly and all. Of course I'm a very good
>>>>> cook too. <BSEG>
>>>> Hey, that is what my David did Jumping out of airplanes with
>>>> huge amounts of equipment strapped on that is) You and he ought
>>>> to have plenty to discuss He isn't a good cook though <G>
>>>> btw a couple of years ago, I nearly died with an infection. Scary
>>>> stuff eh??
>>> I didn't know I was dying, just couldn't breathe. Evidently the
>>> bacterium shut down my kidneys and body fluids backed up into my
>>> lungs causing the breathing problem. EMS folks said they have found
>>> many older males dead on the floor with the phone in their hands. My
>>> phones have the EMS number on speed dial. <G> Not knowing what it
>>> was I didn't have sense enough to be frightened. The frightening
>>> part is the particular bacterium I was infected with is antibiotic
>>> resistant and generally found in hospital environments. Doctors
>>> said I probably had it four or five years before it ran amok and
>>> tried to do me in. Sometimes I think we modern people are to
>>> dependent on antibiotics when rest and chicken soup would do the
>>> job.

>> Glory be!!! You just thank your lucky stars they can do something
>> about it now.. I wouldn't be alive without them I had a very fancy
>> Hickmanline sticking outta me chest) I was able to go home
>> because of it and I was able to adminster my own antibiotics. Without it
>> I would have been in hospital for months!!
>> Was it like MRSA? I had Staph. Aureus. That is something that
>> lives on the skin and mostly cause no bother at all. Still, never
>> mind all that) Here we are, chatting across half the world, Just
>> a few years ago we would never have known of each others existance
>> Life is good eh

> Nope, Acenetibacter was the bacterium that nearly did me in. The heart
> doctors made it worse. They thought I had congestive heart failure
> (have had a bad ticker for years), and over medicated the high blood
> pressure caused by system failure when the bacterium hit me. My
> Filipino kidney doctor caught it when he came into the room and my BP
> was 53/20 and I couldn't pick my head up off the pillow. We became
> fast friends that night at 11 pm. I cook a little Filipino meal for
> he and his wife and in-laws whenever I can. None of the American
> doctors recognized what was wrong with me thus the misdiagnoses. Oh
> well, anything you live through is a learning experience.

It most certainly is! And look now Your lady says you are a handsome
dude I say you are a handsome dude. We won't ask Barb eh <G>

Life if good)