REC SD Cook-In: Smoked Bluefish
Jack Schidt® wrote:
> One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
> Ok, here goes:
> 2 bluefish filets (from a good sized one, not one of the snapper blues)
> brine:
> 1 gallon water (my well water, iron and all)
> 1 heaping cup kosher salt
> 1 heaping cup brown sugar
> dash cider vinegar
> black pepper
> Brine the fish overnight and then take out of the brine and transfer to a
> vat of apple cider. Let it soak for half a day and then remove and place in
> the refrigerator to dry for a couple of hours or until you're ready to cook
> it, when you'll remove it from the Kelvinator and let it sit on the counter
> for an hour so it's not cold going on the fire.
> Set up the smoker so it's indirect heat. I use a foil covered pizza stone
> in my Kamado. Build a fire in the smoker, base fuel is lump charcoal and
> add chunks of fruit wood, apple or pear are best. Small fire, let it burn
> clean of the billowing smoke and get it down to about 200, maybe 225.
> Blues are oily so they're forgiving about spikes in temperature, but you do
> want to keep it down in that range.
> Cook for 2 hours or so and remove and let rest. Grab some to eat, then
> refrigerate the rest. I froze the hunk I brought out as it freezes well.
> Serve with horseradish.
> Jack Fishy
Nice one, Jack!
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener