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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Garbage Disposal

Wayne Boatwright wrote:
Yes, there are powdered enqyme products meant for flushing down the
> They are supposed to aid in the processing of waste in the septic tank. I
> have heard both pros and cons about using this over in the
> group.

We used bacteria and enzyme products in our RV's black-water holding
tank for many years. It was the most effective (and "earth-friendly) way
to digest human waste. That's why I still use it in the septic system.
So it does work, but you have to be careful not to kill the critters by
using too much bleach or strong cleaning chemicals.

I was careful to not let any food particles get into the kitchen gray
water tank and used a screen in the sink to catch small particles. The
regular strainer baskets are useless.

I use the screen in our house, too.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
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