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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Improve my tuna casserole?

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:13:12 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\""
> wrote:

>The food is just okay
>in about all that I have tried. The service varies from chain to chain. I
>think the only one I go back to (twice a year) is Olive Garden.

I go to Olive Garden for TGIF drinks at the bar with people from work.
OG's martinis are bathtub sized, so that's why I join them.... I have
standards, ya know. LOL! The group also appreciates that our local
OG also has alcoves which double as private rooms. We can get loud
and rowdy and not disturb anyone. The sound dampening acoustics are
very good in that area.

My opinion of Olive Garden's food? Stay away - stay far, far away...
if that's the only reason you want to patronize them.

Additionally, OG should be ashamed of the wines they are pushing by
giving free tastes (in California, of all places). Those wines could
double as drain cleaners. I haven't tasted one that was any good You
know how your taste buds dull after a couple of drinks, so even
vinegar would taste good? Their selected wines make vinegar a
preferable beverage. Go for the bar drinks, not the food or the wine.
"Nuff" said.

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