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Julie Bove Julie Bove is offline
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Default Garbage Disposal

"Pennyaline" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> Got no room in the yard for a compost pile.

> You don't need one. Just put food waste into household garbage and take it
> outside. I used a disposal for ages and thought is was the greatest thing
> on earth. I wondered how I ever lived without one. Then someone clued me
> in about what a disposal sends down the drain and where disposal waste
> water goes.

The problem is, they don't want food in the garbage. And it tends to fill
up the can. My parent's garbage company will not allow food in the trash.
It must go in with the yard waste. I put some food in our yard waste. They
will take excess produce.
> Head slap!!
> I had my disposal taken out.
> I'm fortunate that I have a garage to keep my garbage cans in. Animals
> can't get it and so don't disturb in in there. But that wasn't always the
> case and I've done my share of garbage raiding prevention. The bottom line
> is that if neighborhood dogs and wild life get to your garbage, then they
> get into it. That's life, and cleaning up some strewn trash is better than
> overtaxing sewage lines and water purification plants. Ordinary critters
> like raccoons don't chew through garbage containers so they can't get to
> it that way. In the winter, garbage will freeze outside but the odor is
> still perceptible to wild life. If you can't garage your cans, chain/rope
> them in place or enclose them in makeshift fencing (had to do that one
> place we lived about a decade ago because the wind was so fond of blowing
> them away, even when full!!). If the cans are secured upright it's hard
> for critters to push them over.

We have a garage but I'm not sure I'd want to keep the garbage cans in
there. I'd think that would stink.