Freezing and storing cooked turkey?
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Posts: 32
Freezing and storing cooked turkey?
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(Phred) wrote:
> Mind you, at 3.2 kg there's still a fair bit of protein involved here.
> (And, on that point, our Coles supermarket is presently advertising
> specials of "large 32" whole turkeys (3.2 kg) and "large 36" turkey
> breasts (3.6 kg) -- thus demonstrating that the part *can* be more
> than the whole.
Gosh -- the local Woolies has whole birds up past 6 kg! But the American
turkeys seem to be a lot bigger -- 20-30 lb!
I have had a bit of a saga trying to find a turkey (we have 6 adults and two
kids coming, so a turkey was the most efficient solution). Went to one
Woolies on *Monday* and all the turkeys they had were thawed or thawing. As I
only wanted a small one, it seemed a bit unhealthy to have a thawed turkey
hanging around the fridge for more than a week. The guy in charge had gone
home, but they knew they weren't getting more turkeys the next day.
Went to a nearby Coles on the Tuesday. All the Steggles turkeys were gone
except one, but there were plenty of Smart Buy birds. Seems nobody wants to
gamble on a cheap Christmas bird! I took the remaining Steggles bird to the
checkout, and wouldn't you know it, half the barcode (including the numbers)
was gone, and they couldn't look it up on the system because a solidly frozen
turkey is a "fresh product" and not on their database. Then the bloke went
off and couldn't find the shelf tag. I should have asked them to sell it to
me for $10, but I just told them to leave it; I was getting late for the
school run. You can imagine how annoyed the people behind me in this
supposedly 'fast' queue were getting -- the shelf runner took ages!
Finally bought a 4kg organic turkey at the Woolies yesterday. It's thawed,
but I think 3-4 days in the fridge is safer than 8.
There were a whole heap of birds with some kind of pre-seasoning -- not
stuffing, something involving lots of numbers -- at Woolies. Erk!
Must remember to buy another turkey after Xmas to eat later. I love turkey,
duck and goose. Mmmm, fat...
Chookie -- Sydney, Australia
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