Substitutiion for orange zest - clementines or tangerines zest
Andy <q> wrote:
> Dee.Dee said...
>> Does substituing clementine or tangerine rind/zest for orange zest taste
>> totally different or unacceptable in most recipes calling for orange
> zest?
>> Has anyone substituted either clementine or tangerine?
>> Thanks.
>> Dee Dee
> Dee Dee,
> I always wonder about using fruit zest. If it's not organic, it's probably
> the most pesticided part of the fruit you could add to a dish. Sure it adds
> an interesting visual but wouldn't some squeezed juice make more sense?
Nope. Citrus zest is far from 'an interesting visual'; certain dishes
just don't taste the same without it - even if you are also supposed to
add the juice. IMHO, It adds another dimension to the flavor.
Chatty Cathy
Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible