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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Garbage Disposal

On Dec 20, 3:22*pm, sf wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:49:23 -0800 (PST), Nancy2
> > wrote:
> >Not necessarily - every plumber says not to put egg shells down -
> >because of the membranes that line the shells. *How hard is it to wrap
> >them in a paper towel and toss them in with the stuff that the garbage
> >man picks up? *

> Are you the kind of person who has a dishwasher, but doesn't use it
> because it will wear out? *Why bother with a garbage disposal if you
> can't even grind up egg shells in it? *I've ground up eggshells in
> garbage disposals all my life and it has never been a problem. *

Every plumber I've known says not to do it. Don't ask me, I just know
what they tell me. Yes, I do use the dishwasher, and I do use the
disposal, but I have no wish to call a plumber if I can do the right
things and not need one.
> >Conversely, they are really good in compost, so start a compost container..

> I live in a big city and I don't want compost heap. *

You can compost stuff in a container with a tight lid, and put it
under the sink or if it's in a decorative container, even right on the
countertop. Then you can use the compost when you repot house plants,
or toss it out with the garbage if you want. It's a lot easier to put
eggshells and coffee grounds in the trash to begin with, if that's
what you end up doing, anyway. What, you want to argue about it?
Happy holidays.
