Garbage Disposal
On Dec 20, 6:13*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:51:11 -0800 (PST), Nancy2 wrote:
> > On Dec 19, 8:22 pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> >> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:57:30 -0500, Goomba38 wrote:
> >>> Why would you *want* to put corn cobs and bones in the disposal though?
> >> If the trash pickup just came for the week and there's no room
> >> left in the freezer (to freeze the trash until next trash
> >> pickup). *Corncobs, maybe I can let those slide, but no meat
> >> products will stay in my trash for more than a 36 hours.
> >> And I don't generate enough trash to justify trowing out a 1/6th
> >> full trash bag where the raccoons will get it.
> > Don't you have a container outside somewhere to hold stuff until it's
> > time for a pickup? *Even raccoons can be stymied with the properly-
> > lidded trashcan.
> Why the *hell* would I want to throw garbage into a separate
> container to rot for a week, and then have to fish it (and the
> stink) out again when it comes times for trash day?
> You just don't throw away food 3-7 days early in the Texas heat.
> Plain and simple.
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Say, Doofus, I've lived in the south. You put your trash/garbage in a
tied-up plastic garbage bag, and put it in the garbage can outside or
in the garage, and put the lid on the can. When the trash day
arrives, you carry or push the trash can out to the curb, and the
garbagemen (or whatever) empty the can into their truck, and leave
your empty, neat can and lid so you can put it away when you get
home. That's how it happens in MY neighborhood. Why would you be
fishing around in stinky garbage to have it picked up???