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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default (2007-12-21) New survey on the RFC site: Eating well on US$40.00per week?

On Dec 21, 11:37�am, ChattyCathy > wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > ChattyCathy wrote:
> >>

> >> I am going to blame Christine Dabney for this one...

> > Why ask if it's eating for one, two, or a dozen?!?!?

> OK, I'll explain....
> If you live alone (as Chris does) one can buy purely what * you* like to
> eat - which can be quite a saving in itself...

I don't see how living alone makes any difference, you're still going
to eat the same *quantity*... but you're still locked into the
budget... if you want to eat up your entire budget in one day then you
starve for the rest of the week is all.

> We have 4 people in our
> immediate family and, for example, 3 of us like celery and one of us
> doesn't, so I buy celery for certain dishes. I hate tofu, but one of the
> family members likes it, so I have also been known to buy that... If I
> lived alone, tofu would not be on my shopping list - ever... You getting
> the picture now??

No, not at all. Because if you're tweaking for each then you still
need to apportion within the $40/wk budget... what you're describing
is just more laborious but at the end of the week costs no more or
less monetarily... you still need to stay within your weekly budget
regardless someone doesn't eat celery/tofo, that just means perhaps
more ketchup for those who like ketchup but not celery and more beans
for those who abhor tofu.... the budget is for the week, not the
meal... You getting the picture now??

I think you are ignoring the concept of "budget"... you probably don't
eat on a strict budget.... I really don't think any who we've heard
from do, I think you eat what you want within fairly loose limits...
you don't eat shrimp or steak every day but on those occasions you do
I seriously doubt you eat shrimp/steak on close rations like you
actually count out three bites each.... I'm pretty certain you buy a
quantity so that everyone in your family gets their fill. I'm
positive that if you lived in the US with US money and US prices you
would find it very difficult to eat on a $40/wk budget, especially
since you've already noted how your family members have some food
fusses, you certainly wouldn't be eating well, in fact you'd feel like
your family was quite deprived. Even those on food stamps are alloted
far more than $40/wk per dependant. I think those who are claiming
they eat well on $40/week are full of shit... even were it ten years
ago you could subsist a wee bit better but you'd still not eat very
