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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default (2007-12-21) New survey on the RFC site: Eating well on US$40.00 per week?

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:56:22 -0800 (PST), Sheldon >

>Very funny.... You don't say how much left over turkey went into
>the dish... could have been 1/4 the turkey which would be

I think I had about 6-8 cups of turkey meat..both light and dark. This
was from a 20 pound turkey. I used the trinity (green peppers,
onions, celery) in the gumbo. I had a pound of Andouille, which I had
bought for about $5 earlier in the month.

>Gumbo is essentially a depression mentality dish anyway... even with
>little meat make it thick enough with plenty of browned flour and
>served over plenty cheapo rice it will fill a lot of bellies for very
>little money... gumbo is essentially highly seasoned starch and fat,
>filling and tasty but not at all a nutritious dish, definitely
>subsistance food about as nutritious as subsisting on potato chips
>only cheaper.

I guess you haven't had a great gumbo then..

This is the recipe I used. The instructions for the turkey meat are
at the end. I used more turkey, than I would have used chicken.
