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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Butter ingredients

Janet wrote:

> Have you looked at the ingredients in heavy cream? Almost all of them
> contain thickeners, such as carrageenan. I now buy all of my cream from a
> local dairy, Smiling Hill Farm, that bottles--in actual glass bottles--plain
> cream.

Granted cream should be rich enough and have enough butterfat in it to
whip up nicely without additives, but at least I know what carrageenan
is. It is a seaweed thickener that I used to buy for macrobiotic
desserts. And I know what it is doing in the cream. It is there to
make the cream whip up and stay whipped when it is only 30% butterfat.
Without the thickener, they'd probably have to sell me cream at 36-40%
butterfat. It used to be that "whipping cream" was the lower butterfat
content stuff with the additive. Now they all have it at the
supermarket I shop at.

I haven't looked around for a better product. I know there are dairies
around here. I haven't even looked in the specialty section of the
supermarket. The natural flavor in the butter caught me by surprise.
