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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Garbage Disposal

"Goomba38" > wrote

> Nancy Young wrote:

>> If I was going to do that, I'd put a sign on the cans across the street.
>> Bring in your friggin garbage cans once they're empty! So annoying,
>> they leave them out for days sometimes.

> Ooooh.. that drives me nuts but just as much as that is that in my county,
> we have a choice of garbage pick up companies (3 or 4) and they all use
> different days for pick ups. So it sometimes seems as if there are cans
> somewhere on the street almost 3 days a week. Very annoying when you think
> of it. I wish they'd organize it so that the entire neighborhood used the
> same day (days) only.

That is very annoying. My township picks up my garbage, but many
areas of the town are covered by an outside contractor. Who that is
might change every year or whatever, but it's just one company. No
different garbage days by neighbor. Yikes.

> I recall one house when I was growing up the garbage men came way up to
> the house from the street and grabbed the cans, hauled them down to the
> street and then returned them to the house where they sat on the side of
> the garage. The homeowners didn't have to do anything ever but dump their
> trash in. We have to roll our huge cans up to the curb nowadays. We were
> so spoiled then and had no idea!

I only heard of such a thing when I met my ex. He grew up in a wealthy
town, they would not have garbage cans visible from the street. Couldn't
believe it.
