Difference In Cream Cheese Brands?
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 16:03:13 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" >
>"Lou Decruss" > wrote in message
.. .
>> But the times it's not on sale other brands are on sale
>> for between $.79 and $.99 all the time. The ingredient lists and
>> nutritional facts are almost identical. We can't tell the difference
>> so we buy whatever is cheapest.
>Same here. We always have some on hand, It is what is on sale or from BJ's
>in bulk. If you watch the cycles, Stop & Shop has it on sale for 99¢ every
>few weeks so I grab a couple of packages then.
I used to buy in bulk, but the newer brands are just as cheap and the
individual cartons are more convenient to use. For me at least.
Thanks for the reply.