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maxine in ri maxine in ri is offline
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Default (2007-12-21) New survey on the RFC site: Eating well on US$40.00per week?

On Dec 21, 5:22 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> maxine in ri wrote:
> > Sheldon wrote:
> > > ChattyCathy wrote:
> > > >

> > > > I am going to blame Christine Dabney for this one...

> > > Why ask if it's eating for one, two, or a dozen?!?!?

> > > Cooking for more than one saves energy/time... but each person eats
> > > their own food... if it's two, what, you each eat half portions?

> > > No wonder so many think they eat well on $40/week... they eat half
> > > portions... they feed their entire family by adding more water to the
> > > stew.

> > If I buy a single portion of food, it costs more than if I purchase
> > larger sizes or in quantity. �The difference between one and two isn't
> > that great, but when you add a family, it does make a difference in
> > purchasing.

> That's not true, you're assuming single people don't know how to shop/
> cook... that's very big-oted of you. I probably buy in greater
> quantity than most families and my staples pantry happens to be large
> enough to feed a platoon, and I only cook in quantity, whenever I cook
> it's enough in case a military troop transport arrives in my yard. I
> shop in quantity all the time, just this week I stopped into Sam's
> Club, dropped close to $300 on all sorts of party foods, large
> cheeses, whole salamis, hams, all kinds of chips, and of course a few
> 36 can packs of Fancy Feast, cases of evap, plus more items. So what
> you're saying is you feed your family for less than it costs me to
> open three can's of Fancy Feast. You're silly.
> I'm positive that I cook in larger amounts all the time than 99pct of
> all rfc'ers... that's what freezers are for, cooked foods.

Shelly, you're the exception to most rules<G>. While there are any
number of singles who do as you and buy and cook in large quantity,
the majority of singles don't cook much.

It was after I had been on my own for a while, eating those frozen
dinners, that I looked at them and said "I can do that" and started
cooking for half a dozen a couple times a week, and freezing the
majority of it so I could enjoy home cooked meals to my taste

I talk to the singles at work fairly often, and they either eat out,
eat take out, or cook for one. They look horrified if I suggest
making enough even to have leftovers for the next night or lunch the
next day. They also look horrified at my sandwich, fruit and drink
that I pack from home most days, commenting on "how much time" it
takes to do that.

These are the same folks who always complain about being broke, having
no money, can't save a penny, but drive a leased new car every year,
and have a taste for high-fashion clothes and "clubbing" a couple
nights a week.

I could be broke too, if I lived like them.

maxine in ri