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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Difference In Cream Cheese Brands?

On Dec 22, 1:06�pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> "Sheldon" > wrote
> >is about a buck, the normal Philly price is like 30 cents more. �Today
> >the Philly brand is on sale; $1 each if you buy ten... I don't need
> >ten of something so perishable so to me it's not a very good sale....
> >my local market runs a lot of $1ea 10-4 sales, but rarely will I buy
> >10 of what they put on sale.

> Check to be sure, usually the 10 for $10 sales don't mean
> you have to buy 10, just a marketing thing meaning $1 each.

The few times I tried to buy just one the register charged me the full
regular price... but this is a small Grand Union where I really don't
like to shop but I do use it for fill ins because it's close. I've
already had arguments with the manager, once over them selling stale
bread (they actually magic marker over the sell-by date), and I got so
fed up with their warm meat display fridge that one day I brought my
fridge thermometer and left it in there while I did some other
shopping. When I returned it registered only 42 degF. I called the
store manager over and tried to explain, all he did was rant. I don't
buy any perishables there, not anymore.