Difference In Cream Cheese Brands?
"Sheldon" > wrote
>On Dec 22, 1:06?pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Check to be sure, usually the 10 for $10 sales don't mean
>> you have to buy 10, just a marketing thing meaning $1 each.
>The few times I tried to buy just one the register charged me the full
>regular price... but this is a small Grand Union where I really don't
>like to shop but I do use it for fill ins because it's close. I've
>already had arguments with the manager, once over them selling stale
>bread (they actually magic marker over the sell-by date), and I got so
>fed up with their warm meat display fridge that one day I brought my
>fridge thermometer and left it in there while I did some other
>shopping. When I returned it registered only 42 degF. I called the
>store manager over and tried to explain, all he did was rant. I don't
>buy any perishables there, not anymore.
Sounds very much like the store where I shop that I used to
bitch about all the time. Thank goodness Albertsons bought out
the chain. And about the 10 for thing, you could never tell when
they'd give you the item for a dollar or they'd charge you full
price. The meat and the produce, don't even get me started.
The deplorable state of their meat department is why I first joined
Costco, years ago.