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Janet Wilder[_1_] Janet Wilder[_1_] is offline
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Default Mexican dish made with cabbage and onion

> I was recently in a bordertown, Douglas, AZ, where I was raised, and
> was in line at a grocery store. The person in front of me was
> purchasing about five 100lb bags of charcoal,and about 100 heads of
> cabbage, and just about the same number of onions. I asked him what he
> was using all the cabbage for, and he mentioned the name of something
> I could not understand. Would anyone know of a Mexican dish or meal
> that might be made with these ingredients. I thought maybe something
> like Haluski, but where would the charcoal come in. It was interesting
> that in front of the grocery store someone was roasting chili peppers
> over an open fire, and selling them in maybe twenty-five pound bags.
> Tom

Could the charcoal have been for another purpose? Maybe for barbecue?

There are a few places here in Borderland Texas that make tamales with
cabbage and onions for a filling instead of meat or chicken. Tamales
are a Christmas tradition for people of Mexican heritage.

Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
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