Thread: cooking a ham
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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default cooking a ham

zxcvbob wrote:

> I've cooked Alton Brown's "City Ham" recipe, but I didn't bother with
> the bourbon. Just brown sugar, yellow mustard, and crushed gingersnaps.
> I don't remember if I studded it with cloves. The ham turned out
> wonderful.
> A local butcher, and one in Texas that I used to go to, have "dry cured"
> hams that do not have to be soaked. They are moist and not overly salty
> -- but firmer and less juicy than any supermarket hams I have ever seen.
> That's what I used.
> Bob

I made his "city ham" also (with the Bourbon, IIRC?) and you're was wonderful.

I don't know that I've ever seen or had a "dry cured" ham that didn't
require soaking?

Have you ever heard of cooking a ham in a "can" placed in boiling water?
I'm unclear as to what type of ham this is (dry cured or a city ham)?
Someone in KY told me that is a specialty in her area, though I've never
heard of it before or since?