Thread: cooking a ham
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Kswck Kswck is offline
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Default cooking a ham

"MayQueen" > wrote in message
>I have downloaded some recipes for ham, but wanted to see if you all might
>have some secret ingredients, special techniques or recipes to share.
> Last year I made a ham with pears and a bunch more ingredients. It was
> good, but seemed to take a lot of effort to make. Just wondering if there
> were easier ways.
> Love to hear your suggestions.
> --
> Queenie
> *** Be the change you wish to see in the world ***

Assuming fresh ham:

* Exported from MasterCook *

Ham: Fresh Ham with Cracklings and Pan Gravy

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 8 Categories : Pork

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 fresh ham, 8-10 lbs -- shank & leg of pork
oil for rubbing the ham
1 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon crumbled dried sage
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon english-style mustard
12 ounces beer-not dark
2 tblsp flour
1 cup beef broth
1/2 teaspoon english style mustard
1/4 teaspoon dried crumbled sage
1/8 teaspoon dried crumbled thyme
1/4 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons cider vinegar

With a small knife, prick the ham skin all over, make 4 parallel 1/2 inch
deep incisions through the skin the entire length of the ham, and rub the
ham lightly with the oil.

In a small bowl rub together the coarse salt, thyme, sage, pepper and the
mustard and rub the mixture over the entire surface of the ham.

Put the ham on a roasting rack in a roasting pan and put the pan in a
preheated 500deg oven.Reduce the temperature immediately to 375deg and roast
the ham for one hour.

Pour half the beer over the ham, roast for 30 minutes more and pour the
remaining beer over the ham. Roast the ham for 2 1/2 hours more, or until a
meat thermometer registers 170deg. Let ham cool on the rack in the pan for
15 minutes.

Pull off the brown crisp skin, leaving the layer of fat on the ham, with
scissors, cut the skin into small pieces(these are the cracklings), and
arrange the cracklings in one layer in a baking pan.

Sprinkle cracklings with salt and bake 15 minutes or until they are crisp
and browned. Transfer the cracklings to a paper towel and let them drain.

Cut the remaining fat from the ham, slice across the grain, and arrange it
on a platter. Keep ham warm and covered.

Skim off fat from the juices in the roasting pan, add 1 cup water, and
deglaze over moderate heat, scraping up the browned bits. Tranfer the liquid
to a saucepan.

In a small bowl, whisk together flour and 1/4 cup broth, until flour is
dissolved and whisk the mixture into the deglazing liquid with the remaining
3/4 cup broth, mustard, sage, thyme, vinegar and pepper-to taste. Simmer the
gravy whisking, about 5 minutes.

Garnish the ham with the cracklings and serve with gravy.

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