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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default Go ahead, laugh,

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> You're kidding. I love wings and am seriously annoyed that they cost as
> much as they do. They used to be practically free, fercripesake.

Amen to that, Barb! I think I paid $3.50/pound for the "party wings" at
Fred Meyer (owned by Kroger) yesterday. It's one of the few places in
town that sells unfrozen wings.

Per Michael's comment about flank steak: Same thing for skirt steak.
Before the fajita craze, skirt steak was dirt cheap. Now you may as
well buy top round.

Yes, the wings disappeared last night. We were smart this year and had
two separate platters, so they didn't disappear quite as fast. The
party had a large number of known teenagers, so the sushi platter was
decimated in no time. We did not starve, since there were many other


C.J. Fuller

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