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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Go ahead, laugh,

In article >,
Janet Baraclough > wrote:

> Can someone tell the Other World what a chicken wing drumette is please?
> (over here, the only similar name is chicken drumsticks, but they are
> chicken leg thighs and nothing to do with wings)
> And buffalo wings, what they?
> I'm wondering if your chicken wings are something very different to
> our chicken wings (which are so tiny they have hardly any meat).
> Janet.

Janet, the "drumette" is the one-bone section of the bird's wing. The
flat piece (sometimes called 'paddle') has two bones, and the tip is,
well, the tip. HTH.
Merry Christmas!

Buffalo wings are chicken wings prepared one way or another (purists
will probably say they're deep fried) and drenched in a sauce of hot
sauce and melted butter -- tossed in said mixture. Often served with
bleu-type cheese dressing and celery sticks. I refuse to have the
cheese dressing with my Hooter's wings because the cheap bums charge for
the dressing! Fercripesake!
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Notes about our meals in Tuscany have been posted to; 10-16-2007