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Default Measuring cup or scale?

On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 00:24:18 GMT, "Jeanne" > wrote:

>Hello everyone!
>I'm trying to improve my cooking skills which are quite basic. I have a
>recipe for macaroni and cheese that calls for 18 ounces of cheddar cheese.
>Should I weigh the cheese using my kitchen scale, or just use my measuring
>cups? Or does it matter? I'm not too sure why I bought the kitchen scale.
>Many thanks,

Your scale will help you understand what 18 oz looks like - but exact
weights really don't matter for macaroni and cheese, Jeanne. Use your
scale to train yourself so that you can eventually eyeball it. A
little more or less cheese won't matter in the end.

Kitchen scales are better used for baking if you're into weighing
ingredients. I'm not. I can produce baked goods that are fine w/o
weighing, although I can certainly understand the need for scales on a
commercial basis.

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