Lou Decruss wrote:
> n Sun, 23 Dec 2007 01:09:35 -0500, Goomba38 >
> wrote:
> >Cindy Fuller wrote:
> >
> >> I was in NYC earlier this month, and wandered around midtown Manhattan
> >> while SO met with some research collaborators. What shocked me is how
> >> many retail outlets are identical to what we can find here in downtown
> >> Seattle, with the exception of Kitchen Arts & Letters. The unique
> >> merchants are being squeezed out by the chains.
> >>
> >> Cindy
> >>
> ><sigh> yeah, it is a shame. The same thing happens in towns that become
> >overrun with chain restaurants. I was in PA a while ago and considered
> >it a "chain restaurant hell." Thankfully with research and effort we
> >managed to find an incredible gem of a "mom and pop" Italian restaurant
> >that to this day I still drool remembering the meal we enjoyed but I'm
> >sure there are way too many people who think the Olive Garden is Italian
> >food (or even *good* food) and that Red Lobster serves good seafood.
> Our son got a gift certificate to RL from work for Christmas. He said
> anyone who wants it can have it because he won't eat there. Guess he's
> been trained well. LOL
Well, if you remember, SHERYL liked to eat there every year for her
birthday with a group of "the girls"...some folks don't aspire to very much,
I guess.
[just had to throw that in...]