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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default Breaking tradition...a little help?

Ok, let me preface this by saying, I am not a big fan of ham. Never have been.
However, my husband loves it and only asks me to make it at Christmas time, so I
happily oblige on Christmas Eve. The ham we (well, he) like(s) comes with a packet of
stuff you're supposed to sprinkle on it before you put it in the oven, but neither of
us wants the sweetness of glaze. I know, traditionally, most people glaze the ham,
some even put fruit on it like pineapple and cherries. So not what I want! lol!
Is there something else, something more savory, that any of you put on your ham? Can
I use the same seasonings I would a pork roast?

Thanks in advance, and Merry Christmas!
