Thread: christmas poll
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default christmas poll

I didn't grow up with Christmas traditions so none of those were part of
my memories. The one that I'd most like to try is making gingerbread
houses. I don't know why, but they appeal to me.

A friend told me about an activity at her boyfriend's country club. The
country club provided each participant with the gingerbread "boards,"
space to work, clean-up, and all the icing, candy canes, nonpareils, and
chocolate kisses that you could want. They used granola bars for the
chimney and got compliments on how the nuts looked like bricks. Then
they used cotton candy for the smoke out of the chimney. It was really
creative and something that architecturally minded adults could enjoy.

The Christmas tradition I remember was noticing the colored lights on
other people's houses and maybe making fun of a little the kids who made
such a big deal out of their Christmas hauls and all their presents.
Not only was I not jealous, I felt a little sorry for them. They didn't
seem happy.
