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Boron Elgar[_1_] Boron Elgar[_1_] is offline
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Default holiday charities

On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 23:11:28 -0600, "modom (palindrome guy)"
> wrote:

>We're especially blessed chez modom -- sturdy house, full larder,
>friends and family who care about us. We're giving small things to
>each other and to friends this season, but most on our list don't
>really need tchochkes and more munchies. So much of our holiday
>giving will be to worthy charities in the names of our loved ones.
>Two that I really admire a
>Second Harvest:
>and Heifer International:
>Another to consider is Habitat for Humanity:
>Just a last-minute gift suggestion from uncle modom.

Good suggestions, all. I must remind folks that many of these
organization - such as Habitat - have lots of local affiliates, too.

I do recommend that anyone who is looking for charities, please check
them out at one of the many rating organizations online. It helps
assure that you'll get more "bang for your buck."

(or use the ratings site of your choice)

Another idea for charitable giving may be right in your area...a local
group that perhaps runs a food pantry, or soup kitchen that doesn't
advertise or have any large fundraising expenditures at all. Your
township or community may have a fund to help the homeless or seniors
or others in need.

Give with your head, give with your heart. We each have our favorite
organizations we like to help, be it for little critters, or the
environment, health groups or those less fortunate here or overseas.
Giving is so very much a part of this season...make it count.
