Thread: christmas poll
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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default christmas poll

Janet Wilder wrote:
> You bring back memories. My mother had to admonish me because I was
> telling all the little Christian kids in the neighborhood that Santa
> Claus was a myth and making them cry. I think I was about 6.

Yeah, I don't think anyone I knew truly belived in Santa Claus as
anything other than a nice story. So it wasn't between believing and
not believing. But Christmas was such a big deal to them, and there was
this idea that if you didn't celebrate Christmas you must feel left out.
I just thought they were dumb. I grew up with plenty of stuff. We
just didn't get it all on one day of the year.

Now, as an adult, I find that the things I missed were the crafty
things. My parents are/were not crafty people. We celebrated
Halloween, but we didn't carve pumpkins because my parents didn't do
anything crafty like that. So I want to catch up on dyeing Easter eggs
and making gingerbread houses, things that have nothing to do with
religion and everything to do with making messes in kitchens.
