Thread: Merry Christmas
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Dave Smith[_4_] Dave Smith[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 198
Default Merry Christmas

Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:52:15 -0500, "Dave Smith"
> > wrote:
> >Merry Christmas to all.

> And a Merry Christmas to all of you!!!
> I am one of the "unfortunates" who will be working tonight and
> tomorrow night.
> However, we are having a potluck at work tonight and will probably
> have more snacking at work the next night. This is the time of year
> when there are more goodies around at work than anyone can ever eat.

Bummer. Sorry to hear that you have to work on the holidays while everyone
else is home with their families or out partying. My son almost had to
work Christmas Day, and figured that if he could not get enough time off to
come home that he might as well spend the day with other people who had to
work than to sit at home while all his friends are with their families.
Luckily, his boss offered him a week off so he could come home.

I had to work on Christmas Day 30 years ago. I was working in a highway
maintenance yard and we were scheduled for Christmas Day. I figured that I
could be home by 4:30 and get changed to go to the family dinner. They
were going to eat a little later to accommodate me. Then it started snowing
and we had to go out and plow the snow. As if that wasn't bad enough to
have to work Christmas Day, I ended up having to work over time. Then the
financial reality hit me. We were being paid for the day plus time and a
half for working it so I was making double time and a half to work my 8
hour shift. When we went into overtime it was just time and a half..... I
got paid less for working overtime than I had been making on my regular
hours. Luckily, we finished up by 5 o'clock and I was still able to make
it for dinner.