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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Foodie Geocaching Ideas?

I bought the SO (ok, myself, I admit it!) this GPS thing today and am
interested in "geocaching." From what I'm reading, people leave small
trinkets that reflect something about themselves. I would like work on a
"food/beverage" related theme here. I'd love to have something cool (yet
inexpensive) to leave in the caches. Yet you can't leave actual food!
Any ideas? I've seen fun glass/plastic swizzle sticks for sale before
which could be fun.. I have a gazillion assorted cork bar coasters from
every brewery/bar/tavern I think I ever been to in people
still collect things like that? I have plastic cups from The Augusta
National &/or The Master's golf tournament I could leave (I'd save those
for distant trips where they're not as common yet often much desired).
One year my hospital gave us bottle openers with the hospital logo on
them.. those would have been pretty cool to leave, LOL. Every year I go
this nursing conference where one of the exhibitors (a hospital in TN)
gives away an orange measuring cup (or something along that line) with a
recipe card for an orange cake on it (TN football colors are
Orange/white, I believe?) It is like their "signature" giveaway "gimmie"
and I'd love to come up with something recognizablelike that.

Can you think of any other food/drink related type items?