Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Default User" > wrote in message
> > > It's just easier to make a known event the start of something
> > > rather than the middle of it.
> >
> > Not really, December first would be a reasonable choice.
> When the solstice was noticed to be the start of a season, December
> did not exist as we know it today.
So? We're talking about today.
> The ancients were very attuned to
> the sky and not the Playboy calendar hanging on the cave wall.
But they didn't run around telling everyone that the solstice was the
START of winter.
> The first day of winter may be trivial to you, but it has origins in
> many societies going back thousands of years. There is good reason
> to maintain the date for what it is.
You've presented no evidence that the ancients considered that the
start of winter. Only one (snipped) that had it start of the year.
You're floundering.
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