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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default Foodie Geocaching Ideas?

Sky wrote:

> Maybe print some small 3"x5" recipe cards with a special, regional
> recipes and leave those in a plastic ziploc kind of bag to protect it
> from the elements? Or, how about some menus (the take away sort, not
> necessarily for 'take out' food) from local eateries? I always enjoy
> reading menus from nearly any restaurant (the fast food places like
> mickeyDs and arby's don't count), even if I can't dine there.
> Sky

Thank you! I had thought about recipe cards! Perhaps some printed
regional things and others black for their own enjoyment? I can seal the
stuff up using my Tilia Foodsaver for protection. Sometimes I see nice
bamboo wooden spoons in sets for very little cost. I wonder if a spoon
with a recipe card attached (perhaps a local favorite such as pimento
cheese as they serve at the National Golf Club? It wouldn't be terribly
costly and could be found useful to some....?