Dave Smith wrote:
> Michael \"Dog3\" wrote:
>> ChattyCathy > dropped this news:3X8cj.465$gt3.352
>> @fe119.usenetserver.com: in rec.food.cooking
>>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com/
>> I'm first!!! Woo Hoo. I want the brain locker.
> That's not a good sign when it happens on Christmas morning :-)
> I have cooked Christmas dinner for two of the last three years, and when my
> mother used to have everyone for Christmas I used to be in the kitchen
> helping her. This year we are going to my brother's for dinner and his son
> is looking after everything. I offered to bring something but the only
> thing he needs is a container of chicken broth. I feel like I am getting
> off pretty easy.
Sounds good to me. Enjoy it Dave!
Chatty Cathy
Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible