Thread: WHY ?
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default WHY ?

<RJ> wrote:
> It was cool, blustery.... a perfect soup day.
> In a nostalgic mood, I heated up a few cans of
> Campbells Cream of Tomato Soup.
> This doesn't taste like the soup I remember.
> This stuff is ...SWEET !
> Sweeter than tomato soup should taste.
> Aha.. second item in "ingredients" is Corn Syrup.
> Why in Gods name would you add corn syrup to Tomato soup ?
> It doesn't make the soup any "tomato-ier".
> Do the people at Campbells have any common sense at all ?
> There's always been "too much salt" in many of their soups.
> Now, Corn Syrup ?...............Why add these ingredients ?
> I've gotta find another soup-maker.
> <rj>

Unfortunately all of the industrial food manufacturers have decided that
people no longer have any taste and anything made with tomatoes can
never ever be savory and must be as sweet as a dessert topping.