Pork Sirloins
Hag & Stenni wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 00:50:15 GMT, "Louis Cohen"
> > wrote:
>>I wound up marinating these and roasting them in the BBQ at 325=B0 (bec=
ause I
>>was also doing a beef roast at the same temp).
>>I pulled them at an internal temp of 147=B0 and let them rest under foi=
l about
>>20 minutes. They turned out dry and a bit overcooked, i.e., basically =
>>done and a bit tough (sliced across or with the grain; didn't seem to m=
>>much difference).=20
Instead, roast them in a 250F oven and pull them at 145F. Don't put=20
them in a tent. Just let them rest exposed to air. Then carve.
But first, brine them. Also not a bad idea to drape them with bacon,=20
pancetta, fatback or some other fat.
> Next time, I might try them low and slow and see if they
>>pull, like pork butt. Or, maybe it is an intrinsically tough cut that =
>>braising. I happened to buy a can of hominy the other day; I think I'l=
l put
>>the sliced pork into pozole, or a stew.
>>The beef roast was a 10lb sirloin tip. I cooked it to a temp of 131=B0=
at the
>>center and let it rest a while before slicing. It was more rare than I=
>>expected (perfect for re-heating) with a nice smoke ring on the outside=
>>But it isn't a hugely flavorful or extremely tender cut, either. But, =
>>bad at $2.39/lb.
>>Louis Cohen
>>Living la vida loca at N37=B0 43' 7.9" W122=B0 8' 42.8"
> You need to brine the Pork Loin that will help, though my
> sirloins are usualy pretty moist? Was in bone in or less?
> And did you leave a nice cap of fat in place? Hag k
> As a beauty Im not a star, there are
> others more handsome by far, but my
> face I dont mind it because Im behind
> it, its the folks out front that I jar...
> Pull a loraine Bobbit (cut off waynespenis) to reply