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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Aphrodisiac foods?

Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> Aside from oysters/seafood (dh is deathly allergic) and asparagus (dh
> hates it...) I want to make a very romantic New Years Eve dinner for
> us... suggestions?
> And I've already got the chocolate under control :P

You need uncontrollable chocolate for an aphrodisiac. Really, that's
the first thing I thought of when I saw the subject line. Something
rich and dark and melted. Maybe put fresh strawberries in chocolate?
(It will be hard to find excellent ones in January.)

The next aphrodisiac for women, I'm afraid, is alcohol. Champagne?
Maybe mimosas or a kir royale? (Orange juice. I managed to think of an
in-season fruit.)

But chocolate and alcohol don't have the same aphrodisiac qualities on
men as they do on women, and I believe you're looking for both.
(Correct me if wrong.) Really, the best aphrodiac is the target's
favorite food prepared by someone he loves. If that's jello salad, you
gotta go with that.
