Thread: Merry Christmas
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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Merry Christmas

On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:46:25 GMT, "Michael \"Dog3\""
> wrote:

>Oh, I already know this. Barb's brownies are always a huge hit but the
>savory foods is where the nutrition is. For some unknown reason soup is
>always a huge hit. Seems like soup and sandwiches is the best thing to
>take. Maybe a salad.

I can see how that would be. Oftentimes food (if we get any on a very
busy night) is grabbed on the go. Something we can eat with one hand,
while charting with the other hand. Soup you can put in a cup and
eat/drink and a sandwich doesn't require a fork, and two hands to eat.
Something you can take a bite of, and put down easily and go running
to attend to something like a baby trying to take a figurative
Also, things that don't have to be heated up, which is why sandwiches
are good. Things that do well at room temperature... There have
often been times when I just didn't get a break all night to go eat,
cause it would have taken too much time to get food out and heat it up
and then sit down to eat it.

So, for any of you who take in food to hospital staff, for whatever
reason, remember this..
