Thread: WHY ?
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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default WHY ?

"<RJ>" > wrote in message
> It was cool, blustery.... a perfect soup day.
> In a nostalgic mood, I heated up a few cans of
> Campbells Cream of Tomato Soup.
> This doesn't taste like the soup I remember.
> This stuff is ...SWEET !
> Sweeter than tomato soup should taste.
> Aha.. second item in "ingredients" is Corn Syrup.
> Why in Gods name would you add corn syrup to Tomato soup ?
> It doesn't make the soup any "tomato-ier".
> Do the people at Campbells have any common sense at all ?
> There's always been "too much salt" in many of their soups.
> Now, Corn Syrup ?...............Why add these ingredients ?
> I've gotta find another soup-maker.
> <rj>

It's not only corn's high fructose corn syrup, which is sweeter even than
corn syrup! I never liked canned soup, except for Campbell's tomato...and now I can't
stand that. It makes me so sad that I'll never have the real stuff again. It was part
of every cold when I was a kid, tomato soup and grilled cheese.
