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separation anxiety
sf wrote:
> Simple Program to Reduce Separation Anxiety
> The following stages should be undertaken when you have some time to
> spend at home, such as on a weekend. While these training steps won't
> cure Tabasco Sauce Separation Anxiety completely, they will reduce the
> frequency and intensity of emotional outbursts:
> Stage 1 - Introduce mental separation. Completely ignore the sauce
> for a period of 30 minutes while in the same room. Ignoring means: do
> not touch, look at, or speak to the sauce.
> Stage 2 - Introduce physical separation. Restrict the sauce's access
> to you.
> Stage 3 - Increase the distance of the physical separation. The sauce
> is further from you, but still within sight. Combine with mental
> separation.
> Stage 4 - Cut off visual contact with the sauce within the same room.
> Stage 5 - Move sauce into another room while you are still home.
> There ya go.... that was easy, wasn't it?