separation anxiety
On Dec 27, 5:45�pm, Sky > wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> (snip)
> > . . condiment is not settling that simply means it contains added
> > gums/emulsifiers, it's not better, it's impure/unnatural... those that
> > settle are of better quality.
> There are way too many known and unknown variables that can and/or
> cannot be combined to determine whether or not any condiment is subject
> to "sedimentation," regardless of the condiment's natural and/or
> non-natural ingredients and potential additives. �Factors such as
> weather conditions (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure,
> altitude, etc.), geography, container component(s), manufacturing and/or
> processing settings, quality of ingredients and other nonparticular
> components, etc. are too unpredictable to always guarantee any given
> sets of specific results that might or might not result in a superior
> product. �Sedimentation in any condiment does not always indicate it's
> due to the lack of "added gums/ejulsifiers."
> Sky, who probably should've refrained from response ']
Yes, sqwertz... moron.