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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Olive Oil with Herbs - Room Temp OK?

On Dec 27, 8:55�pm, Reg > wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote:
> > "Teresa" > wrote in message
> ...

> >>I just bought a bottle of "Dipping Oil Herbs" that contains all kinds
> >>of DRIED herbs, spices & garlic. I added the recommended amount to 2
> >>cups of extra virgin olive oil. My question is can I let this sit out
> >>at room temp until we use it all up - probably a few weeks - OR do I
> >>need to store it in the fridge? �In the back of my mind, I'm thinking
> >>I heard one time that you should not let oil that has garlic in it sit
> >>out or you run the risk of botulism. �Does that apply to DRIED garlic
> >>too or just fresh?

> >>Thank you!

> > I would keep it in the fridge just to be safe.

> No. It's already safe.
> Safe Methods to Store, Preserve and Enjoy
> "properly dried garlic cloves may be safely added to flavor oils"
> Botulism requires a moist substrate to live. Anything dried can
> be safely used in an oil infusion.

That's not true. Botulism survives quite well in dried herbs and will
begin to multiply in oil as well as water... actually botulism will
multiply better in oil than in water. Dried herbs won't rehydrate in
oil so will make good oil bitter. It's best to use fresh herbs to
flavor oil but to only make up what you will use in say a week or less
and keep it refrigerated. And keep in mind, dehydrated doesn't mean
food products contain no water... typically dehy foods contain 10pct
water by weight... even dry pasta contains about 18pct water.... dried
herbs contain between 5-20pct water by weight. Bottled salad dressing
contains dehy herbs, as do many prepared foods, but there is also
sufficient salt, sugar, and acid to retard botulism growth to safe
levels, plus many of those food products have been pasteurized.