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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Measuring cup or scale?

"Mitch Scherer" > wrote in :

> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 3.184...
>> On Thu 27 Dec 2007 05:59:13p, Janet Baraclough told us...
>> Only if the recipe was designed for using a scale to measure liquids.
>> I have never seen a recipe that specified a liquid measure in
>> weight. Volumetric ounces do not equal ounces of mass.
>> Using a measuring cup, the volume of all liquids will be precisely
>> the same, ounce for ounce.
>> Using a scale, I do not understand how the logic of the scale
>> differentiates between an ounce of water and an ounce of molasses.
>> The weight of equal volumes would definitely be different.
>> --
>> Wayne Boatwright

> This scale does not measure volume. It claims to measure liquids in
> fluid ounces. It does this by assuming your liquid has the same
> density as water and any difference in density will result in some
> error that you have to live with. It takes the weight in pounds and
> divides it by 16 and displays "fluid ounces."
> At least it doesn't claim to measure the volume of solids. A cup (8
> fl. oz.) of marshmallows would be a hell of a lot of marshmallows.
> Mitch

a pound is 16 oz.(by weight) technical name avoirdupois ounce and 16
fluid oz is a pint (by volume). Also take into consideration imperial and
US fluid ounce differ as well. Imperial ounces are smaller in size.

There is no comparision between weight and volume. Denser stuff weighs
more for the same size or volume...but fill the same volume. for example
1 pound of water or 16 avoirdupois ounces can be converted to 16.68 fluid
ounces note the difference.

....a pound of lead and a pound of feathers both weigh the same... a pound
of lead wouldn't be a full 8 fliud ounces (I'm guessing here and guess at
less than 1 fluid oz for the 1 pound of lead.) Whereas the 1 pound of
feathers would be multiple 8 ounce measuring cups probably a gallon or
more. A gallon is 16 cups.

There are scales that will convert weight to mass...but they use a code
for each item and come with a booklet with the codes. These booklets are
not very get a conversion code for flour but not for
wheat groats etc or whole wheat or rye flour etc...You are better off
creating your own booklet by weighing ingredients by cup and writing it
down and then using your info to get correct weight to volume conversion.
But change brands of an item and all bets are off.

For more than you want to know on the subject go to


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